risk assessment
RISK ASSESSMENT A risk assessment is used to expose the problems that may happen in the video and find multiple solutions for them. The reason I used a risk assessment was not only to make the video go smoothly but also to make sure all the cast members will be fit for filming. A risk assessment is very important for my project because I have one major day of filming. This means that if something goes wrong I will have to either pick another day or have to film with one less member. Many things could go wrong but a risk assessment will reduce the percentage of things that could go wrong. HAZARD PEOPLE/EQUIPMENT THAT MAY BE HARMED RISK CONTROLS RISK ASSESSMENT (LOW, MODERATE, HIGH) FURTHER ACTION TO CONTROL THE RISKS WEATHER This could disrupt filming and could possibly cause damage to equipment important for filming or any props etc. If it is extreme weather people may get harmed when driving in the weather Make sure a...